Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Beautiful Cake

As many of you have read, I am working as a cashier at Walmart. Last weekend we were selling a lot of graduation cakes and they were beautiful.

A customer came through the line with last minute shopping for his son's graduation party the next day. He brought a beautiful cake to my check out, but without a price tag on it. I called the customer service manager for a price check and he called back saying it was 11.88. I proceeded with the order and congratulated his son for graduating.

Two nights ago, I was told that I sold a syroform display cake to a customer that did not have a price tag on it. The customer found out it was syroform when they actually tried to cut into the cake. Thankfully they thought it was hillarious as it was an unplanned joke for all of them.

Needless to say, they brought the cake back to exchange it for a real cake. The situation brought laughter to all who witnessed and heard about this. As my boys will say, "It's a mom!" For I would do things that makes them laugh and remember it for a lifetime.

I may not have a beachfront property in Arizona to sell you, but I do have a beautiful cake to sell that just might make you laugh for a lifetime.


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